12 Questions Women Always Want to Ask About Vaginal Health

12 Questions Women Always Want to Ask About Vaginal Health

It's no hidden fact that everyone appears different down below.

Although most womenfolk do talk about their lady bits with their close buddies, there are certain questions that will always remain off the record. However, this shouldn't be the case because asking vagina-related questions can shun several myths and misconceptions typically associated with the female sex organ.
In this post, we'll attempt to answer a few questions, which women always want to ask about vaginal health.

1. What does a "normal" vagina look like?

There's nothing known as "normal" vagina.
What women may be referring to is their vulva, which includes the vestibule, clitoris, and labia. based on factors such as women's height, sexual history, and childbirth experience, these can appear very different for different women.You can think of it as any other organ in the body, with no two individuals having the same set.

In a nutshell, there's no good or bad, right or wrong. Just accept your vagina the way it looks without feeling insecure!

2. Why does my discharge change? What do the different types of discharge mean?

Women regularly experience a change in their vaginal discharge as and when they go through their monthly cycle. For instance, after the period, you'll experience a slight dryness and an increasing amount of whitish discharge. When you ovulate, it will bear a stretchy consistency and appear clear, signaling that you are fertile.

After this, the mucus turns dryer and thicker white or creamy in color. When the egg is fertilized, this thick mucus remains the same. Without any fertilization, a period occurs with the entire cycle repeating. Any other change apart from these can hint at a vaginal infection such as BV (Bacterial Vaginosis).

3. What are different types of vaginal infections and what are their symptoms?

There are various vaginal infections that occur due to the introduction of new microbes in the vaginal area or an increase in the existing levels of the same.

The most common ones include:

  1. BV or Bacterial Vaginosis occurs due to an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria in the vagina. It leads to the thick white discharge having a fishy odor. 
  2. TV or Trichomonas vaginalis is an STI, which is caused by a parasite. It results in grey or yellowish watery discharge that's frothy in nature. It is also characterized by a fishy smell, painful intercourse or burning sensation during urination.
  3. Yeast Vaginitis is a vaginal infection caused due to increased yeast levels in the vagina or introduction of new yeast. The symptoms may include soreness, burning sensation, thick whitish discharge and soreness/pain during intercourse. 

4. How important is douche?

Douche is not a necessity and in fact, many doctors don't even recommend it because the vagina cleans itself naturally.

Regularly douching will, in fact, change the pH balance of the vagina and disrupt the yeast and bacteria balance in it. This can lead to an infection.

5. Why does the vagina itch before periods?

An itchy vagina right before you get your periods has everything to do with your hormones. It occurs due to lower estrogen levels, which, in turn, leads to the thinning of the vaginal skin. Hence, the dryness and itchiness.

Nevertheless, if the condition gets worse, consult your gynecologist to find out the exact meaning of the symptoms.

6. Does my diet has anything to do with how I smell down there?

There's no concrete research, but based on anecdotes, it can be deduced that your scent in the lady parts can be different when you ovulate and also when you increase the intake of pungent food such as garlic. Vaginal tightening stick can help you get rid of any unpleasant odor in the nether area.

7. What about waxing the hair down there?

Pubic hair in the body is meant to serve certain purposes. In the vaginal area, it helps decrease the friction during sex and keeps cuts, acne and infection away. Also using laser or chemical-induced wax can do more harm than good because your vagina may react adversely to them.

8. Can I treat a Yeast infection with yogurt?

Absolutely not. Yeast infections cannot be cured by eating yogurt or applying it on your lady bits. All it does is soothe any burning but it will never treat the infection. Similarly, avoid using other products on your vagina that do more harm than good.

9. What can I do to treat vaginal dryness?

Because low estrogen is the main culprit behind a dry vagina, there are many options to treat it. Vaginal moisturizers, lubricants, and prescribed vaginal estrogen can come to the rescue in this case.

10. Can I rejuvenate vagina using surgery?

You can opt for vaginoplasty, labiaplasty and other surgeries that can help tighten the walls of your vagina and make it look aesthetically pleasing. However, these come with their own set of side-effects such as loss of sensation, scarring, redness, severe infection et al, which may cause more problems in the long run.

11. Can vaginal childbirth alter the way my vagina appears?

The skin of the perineum stretches to accommodate the baby's head during childbirth. This may cause the skin and the tissues of the perineum to tear. While some minor tears heal sans any stitches, others can require surgical repair. Also, the vagina may become dry during breastfeeding or changes in the hormone levels.

12. What role does sex play in vaginal health?

Sex not only helps reduce stress, boost immunity and burn those excess calories but also keep your lady parts lubricated. It can help keep the symptoms of menopause at bay by increasing the estrogen levels and the blood flow.


These are some of the common queries women bring forth related to their vaginal health. We hope that this helped answer some of the questions that you always wanted to ask. For more informative pieces, keep a tab on this space.
